Confidentiality is one of Nightline Dundee’s (hereafter, Nightline) principle values. Nightline will not disclose any information to third parties in relation to the identity of any service users or the content of any contact with the exception of the following circumstances:

1. Bomb threat:

Under the Prevention of Terrorism Act of 2000, all helplines are legally obligated to report terrorism threats. Any information related to such threats has to be disclosed to the police. In the event of a terrorist threat Volunteers have to follow the bomb threat protocol.

2. Suicidal calls:

In the event of a suicide contact Volunteers are permitted to disclose the identity and location of the caller only if the service users agree to Nightline Dundee alarming emergency services. Volunteers have to follow the Suicide Protocol if any such contact is made.

3. Malicious repeat callers:

Should any service user continue to abuse the service with malicious point of contacts, Volunteers are allowed to disclose the following identifying features to the committee: Accent, potential gender, frequently used phrases/words, general conversation points. This information serves solely the purpose of creating a protocol which protects our Volunteers. No information regarding the service user can be disclosed to third parties outside of Nightline Dundee.

4. Child protection issues: 

In the event of a caller discussing potential harm perpetrated against a person under the age of 18 years old, we are permitted to disclose any details gathered in the interest of child protection.  

5. Police or Court Order: 

Nightline Dundee would comply with any ongoing investigation where the Police or Courts have contacted us and requested information. 

Confidentiality – Storage of Information/Data 

Nightline keeps a record of the following information regarding contacts by service users:

  • Name of Volunteer taking the call and the supporting Volunteer.
  • Time the call began and duration.
  • Type of call (e.g. malicious, silent, listening, information).
  • Use of protocols.
  • Generic information to use in statistical reports to inform services of increases or decreases.

This information is filled into the Call Log and allows for analysis of use of the service. Call logs have to be permanently deleted by Volunteers after sending them to the Director. All information is deleted after statistics are made


Talk to us

01382 381 183




Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
